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Everyone is asked to sign this petition if they believe the charges against Dr. Hovind and Paul Hansen are outrageous! All those who sign DEMAND that Dr. Hovind and Paul Hansen be PARDONED AND RELEASED FROM UNJUST INCARCERATION RIGHT NOW!
Ernie Land (Advocate for Kent & Paul) says:
All the naysayers can get set for round 2 or Kent is going to go free. The 1 charge they found him guilty on was for the 2007 injunction in which he was not personally named, so there is no 'fact of law' to support the charge. Option 1 is the Judge sets the verdict aside or option 2 the appellant court orders her to do so. Now will the Prosecutor seat a new jury and try again on the other FLIMSY charges. Maybe, but her strategy of throwing 4 days of the most flimsy testimony and evidence by all the expert witnesses stating what was obvious did what she hoped. It confused the jury and they came in hung. It did not accomplish her wish of establishing credibility for the Government in what she hoped would bring in a guilty verdict because the big, bad Government couldn't be wrong. Next time around, if it happens she will have to try the case on real facts of law and she knows she really has no case there. So will the Government spend another 1/2 million dollars on yet another case of overreach? For those naysayers out there so dumb to hope that happens it only proves it is persecution. They already have everything Kent has or will ever earn in life here, and they are willing to spend more of your tax dollars on something they will never recover any funds for. It's just dumb, but hey it does show they have the power over the people. The U.S. Constitution has been trampled on in Federal Court, and they call it archaic. Ernie Land
For those who are interested, here are the trial results for Dr. Hovind.
This morning at 10:30 the Jury concluded their deliberation. Around 11:15 the verdict was read before the court.
Four counts were brought against Kent Hovind. Three counts of Mail Fraud and one count of Criminal Contempt of Court.
#1 Conspiracy to Commit Mail Fraud - Unable to come to a verdict
#2 Mail Fraud - Unable to come to a verdict
#3 Criminal Contempt of Court - Guilty
#4 Mail Fraud - Unable to come to a verdict
The Criminal Contempt of Court count contained two different charges. One charge was from a 2012 order and the other from a 2007 ruling from Judge Rodgers. Kent was not found guilty on the 2012 charge but was found guilty on the 2007 charge. This count was from the original 2007 case when Judge Rodgers forfeited Kent Hovind's interest in the property. The order did not restrict Kent from presenting filings to question this decision; therefore, Kent's attorney asked the Judge to rule that there were not enough facts presented to the jury to find Kent guilty of that verdict. The Judge said that she would take that under advisement.
Thomas Keith, Kent's attorney said that in a Federal Case it is rare to see anything other than a guilty verdict. While he would still like the Judge to find that there was not enough evidence presented on the Contempt of Court charge and overturn the verdict, this is considered a huge success.
On the one guilty charge, if Judge Rodgers does not overturn it, there is no limit to the penalty that she can impose. Please pray that she would show leniency during the sentencing. Sentencing is scheduled for June 12, 2015.
Original story
The jury in the trial of the Pensacola evangelist Kent Hovind entered deliberations Tuesday night, and a verdict could be rendered today.
Hovind and his co-defendant Paul John Hansen are facing a six-count indictment for mail fraud, conspiracy to commit mail fraud and contempt of court. The government alleges they filed fraudulent documents disputing the ownership of property Hovind was forced to forfeit following his previous conviction.
Hovind currently is approaching the end of a 10-year prison sentence for tax-related crimes, but he accrued six new charges from prison while allegedly disputing the government's right to sell his forfeited property.
If convicted of the charges, Hovind could have decades more tacked on to his sentence.
American Government has circumvented the U.S. Constitution at it's very core. We have an Imperil President that creates unconstitutional law by executive order. A legislature that refuses to do its job by exerting their powers to rightfully impeach him for his unconstitutional orders. And finally a Judicial system that has learned from his unlawfulness by calling a common mans attempt to file lawful claims frivolous. Kent Hovind filed lawful Lis Pendens on the properties the Government ceased. The Court realizes they are lawful, but claim they are frivolous in order to impose criminal contempt charges on Kent. Kent was sentenced more than triple what his charge was allowed by the sentencing guidelines, and that triple sentence is not enough. Because he still stands as a common man and fights all their unlawful, unconstitutional statues, codes and regulations, they continue to act as a third world Country under a Dictatorship to bring him into submission. Kent may lose on this earth, but in the life to come all these Judicial fools and Regulators will be tried and convicted of putting their hands on one of God's elite. All True believers need to hold this man up in prayer.
Ernest Land
The woman with a government job who is out to get Dr. Hovind has skeletons in her closet (below)
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board
Docket No. 96-2291; Submitted on the Record;
Issued July 27, 1998
The issue is whether appellant sustained an emotional condition in the performance of duty.
On April10, 1996 appellant, a 34-year-old assistant United States Attorney, filed an occupational disease claim for employment-related emotional stress and depression, which she stated she first became aware of on May17, 1996.
Appellant also submitted to the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs an undated, two page statement, in which she related that a March17, 1994 article from a local newspaper had identified her as the wife of a man who had purchased, through the mail, a shipment of pornographic videotapes from a pornography distributor, which had recently been investigated and indicted by her office. Appellant alleged that she had sustained an emotional condition as a result of being publicly humiliated and vilified following the publication of this article. Appellant noted that she had been promoted by the managing United States Attorney at her office to supervisory assistant on March1, 1994 and alleged that Curtis Fallgatter, the former managing United States Attorney at her office who had been demoted to assistant United States Attorney in 1993 and had conducted the investigation of the pornography distributor, had provided the press with false and derogatory information pertaining to her and her husband in order to exact revenge against her and to discredit the Jacksonville office. Appellant also alleged that Mr. Fallgatter had filed several complaints and grievances until he finally resigned.
Appellant further alleged in her statement that beginning on March17, 1994, the date the story about her husband was printed in the local newspaper and continuing on a daily basis for more than a year, she was vilified both personally and professionally by every local news station and newspaper, which publicly transmitted the false and derogatory accusations given to them by Mr. Fallgatter. Appellant stated that these accusations were also broadcast on national tabloid television shows. Appellant complained that she had 'little support' throughout this ordeal and noted that the employing establishment issued no public statements on her behalf, so that, therefore, 'the public never heard the truth.'
Appellant stated that she was eventually cleared of all the charges by the Office of Professional Responsibility and a grievance committee composed of local defense attorneys and she subsequently transferred to the Pensacola United States attorney's office in November 1994. She noted, however, there were more stories written when the pornography distributor was indicted again in early 1996. Appellant alleged that on March17, 1996, she was suddenly overwhelmed by the stress of the past two years, plus the fear that she would once again face public vilification because of the renewed prosecution of the pornography distributor. It was at this point, appellant alleged, that she realized she required counseling to help deal with the stress created by the situation.
Appellant consulted Dr.WendyE. McKee, a psychologist, who submitted an April11, 1996 medical report. Dr.McKee stated that she began treating appellant on March20, 1996, when appellant advised her that she was experiencing continuing mood swings, feelings of anxiety and depression, and sleep and appetite disturbance. Appellant also related to Dr.McKee that she had been preoccupied with thoughts about an alleged attack on her reputation and had experienced feelings of helplessness, irritability and spontaneous crying. Dr.McKee commented that these symptoms were a direct result of the alleged attack on appellant's professional reputation. Dr.McKee diagnosed major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate and recommended six to nine months of treatment.
By decision dated June28, 1996, the Office found that fact of injury was not established, as the evidence of record did not establish that an injury was sustained in the performance of duty. In an accompanying memorandum to the Director, the claims examiner found that the employment factors appellant cited as the cause of her emotional condition were not competent to establish that the condition was sustained in the performance of duty. The Office, therefore, denied appellant compensation for her alleged emotional condition.
The Board finds that appellant has not established that she sustained an emotional condition in the performance of duty.
Where the disability results from an employee's emotional reaction to her regular or specially assigned work duties or to a requirement imposed by the employment, the disability comes within the coverage of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.[1] On the other hand, disability is not covered where it results from an employee's fear of a reduction-in-force, frustration from not being permitted to work in a particular environment or to hold a particular position, or to secure a promotion. Disabling conditions resulting from an employee's feeling of job insecurity or the desire for a different job do not constitute a personal injury sustained while in the performance of duty within the meaning of the Act.[2]
Workers' compensation law does not apply to each and every injury or illness that is somehow related to an employee's employment. There are situations where an injury or illness has some connection with the employment but nevertheless does not come within the coverage of workers' compensation. These injuries occur in the course of employment and have some kind of causal connection with it, but nevertheless are not covered because they are found not to have arisen out of the employment.[3]
In the present case, appellant stated that as a result of the accusations made against her in a March17, 1994 newspaper article, which stemmed from the fact that her husband was identified as a purchaser of pornographic videotapes mailed by a distributor investigated and indicted by her office, she was investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility and a grievance committee composed of local defense attorneys. Appellant did not indicate whether this investigation was authorized by the employing establishment. Nevertheless, the Board has held that, generally, injuries sustained during investigations into alleged illegal or improper acts are not within the performance of duty.[4] Where the evidence demonstrates that the employing establishment has neither erred nor acted abusively in administration of personnel matters coverage will not be afforded.[5] In the instant case, an investigation into allegations of improper behavior was undertaken by a professional licensing board and an oversight committee comprised of members of appellant's profession with the knowledge and approval, if not the imprimatur, of the employing establishment. Where the evidence demonstrates that the employing establishment neither erred nor acted abusively in the administration of such matters, coverage will not be afforded.[6] In the present case, appellant's allegation that the employing establishment did not openly support her during an appropriate investigation of her conduct by the committee, thus resulting in adverse publicity against her, does not constitute a compensable factor of employment.
With regard to appellant's general allegations of harassment on the part of Mr. Fallgatter, the Board has held that perceptions of harassment are not compensable under the Act.[7] For such allegations to give rise to a compensable disability under the Act, there must be evidence that the harassment did in fact occur.[8] In the instant case, appellant claimed that she was harassed by the false and derogatory accusations made by Mr. Fallgatter, a former co-worker/supervisor acting in his own capacity. Appellant, however, never alleged that he was acting on behalf of the employing establishment. In fact, appellant indicated that he was no longer employed by the employing establishment at the time he allegedly harassed her. Appellant has, therefore, failed to establish that her former supervisor's alleged harassment constituted a compensable factor of her employment.
Regarding appellant's allegation concerning her fears and stress caused by gossip, disability resulting from an emotional reaction will come within the coverage of the Act only if the disability results from an emotional reaction to regular or specially assigned work duties or a requirement imposed by the employment. Appellant's fear of gossip is a personal frustration, which is clearly not related to her job duties or requirements and is thus not compensable as a specific factor of employment.[9]
Accordingly, appellant has failed to establish a factual basis for her allegations that her claimed emotional condition was caused by factors of her employment.
The decision of the Office of Workers' Compensation Programs dated June28, 1996 is affirmed.
Dated, Washington, D.C.
July 27, 1998
David S. Gerson
Willie T.C. Thomas
Alternate Member
Michael E. Groom
Alternate Member
[1]See Lillian Cutler,28 ECAB 125 (1976).
[3]DrewA. Weismuller,43 ECAB 745 (1992).
[6]See Paul Trotman-Hall,45 ECAB 229 (1993).
[7]RuthieM. Evans,41 ECAB 416 (1990).
[8]See Donna Faye Caldwell,41 ECAB 730 (1990).
[9]See GracieA. Richardson,42 ECAB 850 (1991).
December 2014 Update from Dr. Hovind
Dear friends and supporters of the creation ministry (as well as a few atheists, enemies, evolutionists and morons who are on the list for a variety of reasons),
What a year 2014 has been! We are closer to the coming of our Lord and savior! That's goodI wish it was true that He could come 'any moment,' but alas, in spite of what I had been taught and had taught myself for 40 years… it is not true. After many years of research I was forced by the evidence to go back to the historic position of the church… The rapture is AFTER the tribulation. See Matthew 24: 29-31; Mark 13:24-27 and my book, 'What on Earth is About to Happen… for Heaven's Sake?' on Amazon and2peter3.comfor LOTS more on that topic! With the rapid growth of ISIS it looks like the end time events prophesied by Daniel, John and others could start soon! We'll see. See part 7 of my book for ideas on what to do.
God has been soooooo good during this time of persecution! I can REALLY appreciate Philippians 1: 12-19 these days! My bonds have indeed motivated many to work for God even more. I get scores of letters and cards every week from all over the world telling of souls saved or new creation ministries being started by people who were motivated by the DVD our ministry created. What a blessing! Please help spread them around while I can't.
Speaking of souls saved … there are about 45 men in my 'pod' and usually 10-12 of them squeeze in my room 4 times a day for Bible study and prayer. It is amazing to see God work on lives through His word (as He promised in Isaiah 55:11)! Some of them are brand new to the Christian faith and our Bible study time has helped them grow in amazing ways! We have gone from Genesis to Hebrews so far.
Several of them would love to get mail! If you want a pen pal you can write to them directly or – if you feel safer – send it to me to give to them. All get mail at PO Box 7129, Milton, FL 32572. Please pray for and write to: Brandon Holland, Daniel Castro, Earl Ritchie, Troy Norris, Carey Phelps, Mark.
My family continues to serve the Lord (what a blessing THAT is!) I'm only 25 miles away so they are able to visit but only for one hour and through glass on a phone.I've asked to be moved to the Federal camp in Pensacola but no answer yet. Pray for that please.
You can read about Eric's plans and projects oncreationtoday.orgor visit the ministry at 5800 N. 'w' St. in Pensacola.
On the legal front, my trail on the new charge is scheduled for Jan 5th (after 5 delays!). We are still praying and working to have it dropped completely. Details are onwww.2peter3.comand in numerous recent interviews on YouTube.
I do feel a lot like Neo in 'The Matrix' these days! As Morpheus said, 'Remember that all I am offering is the truth, nothing more…The truth is that the world you were living in was a lie.' 'I imagine, that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice, hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?' I suspect those coming after me would agree with agent Smith from the Matrix: 'Whatever you think you know about this man is irreverent… he is considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous man alive' or ' It is obvious that you are an intelligent man, Mr. Anderson, and that you are interested in the future.' Listen to my interviewWWW.GODSPROPERTYRADIO.COMfor more on that!
All Gideon had (Judges 7) was light and noise and 300 dedicated men; and God got a great victory. Evil men hate the light (John 3:19-20) because it exposes their sin. I feel that a LOT of evil was done in my case that needs to be exposed. (See 1 Tim 6:10 for why).
If God lays it on your heart to be one of my 300 to help. Please pray Acts 12:5 style for my release and contact Congressmen and Senators and ask that a complete investigation be conducted on this case! The IRS has been 'targeting conservative ministries' way before it became known! Maybe with the new conservative congress we will see some real reform?
There is a link on for those who may want to help with legal defense funds.
I would be glad to call anyone (US only) and answer any questions or interview media but I can only call collect from here.My volunteer secretary can explain how that works and schedule a time for me to call. I can get OUT OF STATE visitors any time of the week. Please call the Santa Rosa County jail for details. I can only receive two extra envelopes per letter and only with printed postage. They are worried about people putting drugs under stick on stamps/
I am often asked about my plans for when I get out. Simple! Keep serving the Lord!
For 20 years I preached all over the world on the creation and the flood and my DVDs an those topics are now subtitled in about 40 languages. I plan to add an entire new series on the third topic mentioned in 2 Peter 3:3-8 – the coming judgment. I have also long felt to get a large piece of property in the country for creation camping (I'm and Eagle Scout) and a huge Dinosaur Adventure Land museum/science center/theme park. Please join me in prayer about that. I plan to continue winning souls and helping people live for the Lord so I can get the Daniel 12:3 prize. Please join me!
If you see 'Merry x-mas' anywhere you can say, 'I know algebra! I can solve your equation! X is Jesus!'
World events are frightening. We are close to 'the end' just as Jesus said. This will be a great time to win crowns! I'll see you at the finish line!
In Christ,
Kent Hovind
2 Peter 3

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